ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe writing of a Parish History is a simple enough concept, yet the seemingly endless research, continual enquiry, checking and rechecking of facts all contribute to the completeness of the final work. That this book has appeared in print is due in no small way to the enthusiasm of a dedicated group of helpers. Mr. Malcolm Dolby sowed the first seeds with his classes on Local History, which were later continued by Mr. Derek Wordley. The contributions and comments of the members of the Whitwell Local History Group have proved invaluable - how else could so many facts and details have appeared in these pages - and in particular, thanks to Mr. Robert Ibberson for granting us permission to include his two interesting leaflets. Thanks are due to British Coal for allowing access to colliery records, to The Steetley Company for information on quarries and for sending copies of their two excellent brochures, to Mr. E.P. Gallagher for permitting the use of the 'History of Whitwell' and his many articles as local correspondent to the Worksop Guardian. Reference to the articles by Miss May Lowe in the Parish Magazines is also acknowledged. In any historical work, dates and other references have to be confirmed - a bibliography of references is included towards the rear of the book but the co-operation of the Public Libraries of Whitwell, Worksop, Retford, Staveley, Chesterfield and Derby is acknowledged with gratitude. With the 'Whitwell 1000'celebrations as the target for publication, our thanks are due to the typesetter and printer for ensuring that the deadline was met. Finally, the financing of a publication of this size and quality is no small consideration; thanks are expressed for the grant aid which we have received through the Derbyshire County programme and to all who have kindly purchased a copy, thus helping us to defray our expenses. |
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